
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Life Coaching

I am a certified professional coach and coach women on SELF-CARE; self esteem, feeling stuck, want more out of life, career changed....RELATIONSHIPS; family, friends, coworkers....and DIVORCE; before, after, who are you now, fears and concerns.

I always wanted to find a way where I can help other Dystonia sufferers speak to someone who understands what they are feeling and going through, and now I can.

I am offering a gift of discounted coaching to anyone who has Dystonia or is a caregiver to a loved one suffering from Dystonia.  Dystonia is mentally and physically draining, and it can eventually have an effect on your family, friends, and coworkers.  I want you to put all your worries and concerns aside and start thinking about living each day with a whole new attitude! I know what you're going through.   

Please contact me for details and visit my website for more information on what I offer. Since some of you may be our of state or even out of the country, I do offer coaching over the phone.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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