
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Something New Happening

A couple of months ago, while propping my head up on my pillows and watching television in bed, the muscles in the front side of my neck spammed! It was such an uncomfortable feeling, like someone was literally squeezing my neck, but not painful. As soon as I lifted my neck up and grabbed it with my hand, the spasms stopped!!!!

Some time later I was lying in bed and gave a long stretch, my head was tucked towards my chest, and the same exact thing happened. I immediately stopped, pulled my head straight up and grabbed it with my hand...and the spasm stopped.

Being conscious that this happened when I stretch or move my neck towards my chest to tight, I haven't had any spasms.  Until last night. My head was propped up on my pillows, watching television in bed, and my neck spammed so badly that I was actually in tears afterwards.  Not from the pain, but wondering why this is happening.  I wasn't stretching at all this time. This spasm was so bad that I can actually feel the muscle press against my throat. Again, not painful, just uncomfortable.

This morning the muscles in the front my neck are very sore.  I'm going to stretch and do yoga and meditation this morning.

Has anyone else had this experience, I never had the muscles in the front of my neck spasm in all the years I've had cervical dystonia.  I only get pulls from muscles on the sides of my neck and twitches.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fusion Academy Health Fair Event

I met wonderful people last night who are all into health awareness!

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Healthy Start to any Morning

Strawberries, blueberries and carrots!

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Morning Meditation and Yoga

It's so important to love and take care of yourself, not only physically, but mentally also. Daily routines can take up so much space, so it's important to create time for you! Sometimes I'm filled with energy, and sometimes I need motivation? I create a silly little set up around my yoga mat that creates a mood for me to stay on that mat as long as I possibly can.

What motivates you to spends time alone with yourself? One of my clients said, "A cup of coffee!" She psychs herself up to walk every weekend, because she knows there's a coffee waiting for her at the coffee shop she walks to.

This is my technique...River rocks I collected from upstate while tubing, Chrystal's I bought while shopping in a village with my best friend, a candle holder from my sister that has a cute sister poem on it, and my Buddha head that made me smile at Home Goods.

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